Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE)

The Clinical Science department and the Office of the Registrar compose an MSPE for all students in support of their residency applications. The MSPE is primarily submitted to the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS) for students participating in the National Residency Matching Program, but also to other matching services and to individual residency programs that do not participate in ERAS.

MSPE’s are updated throughout the clinical years by a team of MSPE Coordinators under the direction of Dr. Richard Pestell, Dean of Clinical Science. Once a student graduates, no new information is added but the MSPE will be finalized to include all grades and to reflect graduate status. The format of the MSPE, based on guidelines provided by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), is standard for all students and cannot be changed.

Students are required to submit an MSPE Information Form (MIF) during a 6 week solicitation period in Jan-Feb of the year prior to graduation (e.g. Jan-Feb 2018 for 2019 grads). MSPE’s are composed based on anticipated graduation year, NOT anticipated Match participation year.

Other factors that can lower the EL include suspensions, probations, or multiple LOA’s. USMLE scores are included in the MSPE but do not constitute significant EL criteria.

Students receive an MSPE review copy (RC) sometime after an initial draft is composed, enabling them to correct factual errors. RC’s do not include the Summary section because it is not finalized until shortly before ERAS transmission and is subject to change thereafter. Students can request a finalized, unofficial MSPE after they receive their diploma.

MSPE’s are uploaded to ERAS and other matching services in late summer-early fall. They can be emailed on request to individual, “all-out” programs that do not participate in the matching services after 10/1, the MSPE’s official release date. Students must provide detailed contact information for all-out programs (Name, Title, Department, Hospital, City/State, Email Address).

MSPE Coordinators are also responsible for sending transcripts to matching services and individual programs. MSPE’s and transcripts sent to matching services are NOT updated automatically. Students must contact their MSPE Coordinator to request newer versions containing additional core grades.

Similarly, students who go unmatched in their anticipated graduating year must request an updated MSPE and transcript from their MSPE Coordinator after they reopen their ERAS account in the subsequent year. The versions that will initially appear in their account are those that were sent during the previous match cycle.

Further details about the MSPE process can be found in the MSPE section of the Clinical website.

You can reach your MSPE coordinator: